Bradley’s Story

Bradley is 27 years old. He joined the Community Support Program 18 months ago. At that point in time, Bradley had just dropped out of his study at university. He was experiencing a re-occurrence of previous mental illness and was physically unwell. Bradley was using drugs as a way of coping. His family could not manage his behaviours at home and so, Bradley was couch surfing.

The CSP worker initially engaged Bradley through a local art program. He enjoys art and expression and responded well to the open, relaxed environment the art room provided and the support of people with shared experiences of recovery. The worker then developed a goal plan, which focused around drug treatment and psychological support. The worker provided highly supported referral, which was important because Bradley had a great deal of apprehension about attending new services. The worker provided transport and often attended the first meetings to help alleviate Bradley’s anxiety.

The worker also provided information about confidential support lines such as ADIS and Beyond Blue which Bradley accessed as he needed. This was particularly useful as face-to-face support diminished during the COVID-19 response.

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