Wellness Central

Welcome to Wellness Central!

Wellness Central is a support program that offers a variety of small peer led group activities designed to educate, energise and engage.

Wellness Central workers create safe spaces and activities for people experiencing mental health issues. Together we grow and learn, building skills that support healthy, positive lifestyles.

What activities are offered? 

The exact program of activities is decided by participants but includes a range of activities such as:

  • recreational and sporting activities
  • personal development activities
  • creative activities
  • social outings
  • practical skill development

You can see our latest calendar of activities by checking out our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/wellnesscentral55

Where are activities held?

We host activities at a range of venues throughout the metro area. Depending on worker availability, we may be able to provide transport in some cases.

How much does it cost?

There is no cost to participate in this program. Carers are welcome.

Who can join?

Wellness Central prioritises access for people who:

  • Have persistent mental health and/or AOD issues
  • Are not accessing NDIS supports
  • Are not linked with other activity providers.

Contact us

Phone Tammie or Aaron on 0436 680 933

Email wellness@55central.asn.au

You can complete and send a referral form here (link to referral form is here)

Wellness Central is funded by the Mental Health Commission WA 

Get Involved

Join us in making a difference by volunteering or donating to support 55 Central.

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